Wednesday, February 25, 2009


We have officially turned in our adoption paperwork, we are completing our online stuff, flying through it as fast as we can actually.

We want to know if you guys want to help us network! We are going send out copies of our collage and business cards (when they get printed) and we wanted to get feel for who is interested in having some and passing them along. Let us know in a comment we'll ask for addresses after our online stuff is approved and ready to go up.

Bloggers, I am designing a button that will link to our adoption blog, and we wondering who would be willing to post that on their blogs.

Thanks so much!!



Lindsey said...

YAY!!!! I am so excited for you guys!!! You know I am willing to help ANY way I can.
Cute blog background!

emuhle said...

congratulations! :) let me know when things are ready to be handed out. and we'll definitely put that button up on our blog :) that is so happy :)

The Graham Family! said...

I'm totally willing to put that button on our blog! How exciting that you guys are getting THAT much closer to having a special child in your home. Like I know I've said before.. I know you guys will be great parents and I'm so excited for you guys!!

Anonymous said...

You guys are doing a fantastic job! you must be very dedicated. That is really exciting to know that you are that much closer to being able to adopt. Love Jessica Mecham

Abe n Linz said...

Such great news!! I would love to put a button on my blog for you.

Wendy said...

You'll have to teach me how to put a button on my blog, or even teach me what that is.

I'm very excited for you.

Anaise said...

Let me know about the "button on my blog" thing, and I'll do it.
