Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I wanted to express my disappointment with the members of the church who have blatantly chosen to act in a way contrary to the counsel of our prophet. I am speaking specifically about prop. 8. We are all entitled to our own opinions, but we should be striving always to be obedient to those things that are asked of us... lets get back to the basics, ask yourself these questions:

Q1: Do you believe The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true church?
Q2: Do you believe that the church is lead by a prophet who speaks to God?
Q3: If you answered yes to Q 's 1&2, shouldn't we follow the prophet? Do you follow the prophet?

I personally look forward to hearing our prophet when he speaks to us, and I will follow the prophet, no questions asked. He is there to lead and guide us in these latter days, I believe he is the true prophet and he speaks to us and tell us what our Heavenly Father wants us to know and do. I do not always understand the "whys" but all I need to know is the origin. If the prophet says,then I will go and do. You should too! I am ashamed of some of our members in California, it matters not what your personal opinion is, if you believe that we are members of the true church lead by a prophet, why won't you do what he asks, we are asked to do so little, is it that hard? What matters most in this troubling time is where you stand and how you acted... are you willing to follow the prophet in faith??

Follow the prophet, he knows the way.



The Graham Family! said...

I AGREE! I know some members who didn't agree with prop 8 because it was "unconstitutional". What the heck! It makes me so mad. If we can't follow the prophet with a simple thing like this.. what are we going to do when there are a lot harder things required of us. It just goes to show who's gonna crack when times get tough in this life and who's not. It's sad. It also shows that the influence of the world is going to pull those down who have weak testimonies. That is why we are constantly urged to strengthen our testimonies so we can stand up tall against the world.

Seth and Sierra said...

I agree. it makes me sad when I realize some of my friends really aren't as strong in the gospel as I thought they were.

The Reil Family said...

im extremely curious... may i ask what your prophet asked of members regarding prop 8?