Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The infertility post....

I put up the last post because it was helpful for us. We were given this info forever ago and I came across it in an adoption blog and I thought it might be helpful to put here. I can look back and see how we have gone through this stages, and while in the midst of it we had to keep starting over. We started over and over again because we lost pregnancies so close together and underwent medical procedures and we were in school. Goodness!

I have been working on transferring my adoption journal over into an actual journal. (it was a notebook that is falling apart) So I have literally seen how we were in each stage of Grief and Infertility. I think that we are both in a much much better place and have enjoyed our time that we have given ourselves to heal and to explore and prepare for adoption. We still have tough moments but I won't burst into tears when a friend announces a pregnancy true story, but there are moments when I still feel the loss. So bear with us, we are still learning and growing.



The Graham Family! said...

You guys are so strong. You've been through a lot and you two amaze me. Trials only make us stronger and make us better people and you guys will be great parents because of what you've had to go through. Good job on journaling thru everything. I need to be better about doing that. Someday those journals will be so precious to you and your children and their children, etc.

emuhle said...

i am very impressed with how open and strong you both are through all of this. to me it says you will be amazing parents! :)

Lindsey said...

Good for you- I am so proud of how far you guys have come!