Friday, October 24, 2008

Oh happy Friday!

Usually thursday is my favorite day, becuase it is followed by a Friday. Friday isn't the favorite becuase if it's a bad day you wasted a perfectly good Friday. But yesterday was a crazy crazy concert day. So today better be good! :)

I woke up this morning with that happy but sore feeling, I almost forgot why I would be sore until I reminded myself of yesterday's events, and the fact I spent 7 1/2 hours playing the drums, and 5 hours before being a college student. Then a date with Momma Mecham, Jessica, Leann, Lasandra and Joe (of course) and two cookie monsters from Craigos, which quickly disappeared. Then shower and sleep, then a short few hours later I wake to the beeping of an alarm clock and time to get back to being a student, a lot of reading one class today (the other one is canceled for our test) meet with my partner to put together our presentation, and take a test then I can come home and clean it, becuase well the poor place has been so neglected this week and needs some attention. Then I can participate in a well earned nap, hopefully with the satisfying feeling of a clean house, clean clothes and a happy husband.



Wendy said...

Wow! Seven and a half hours! Crazy.

It sounds like fun, I hope you had a blast. I hope you get your nap today. That sounds like a wonderful reward.

Enjoy your weekend, we will be having a crazy one. Crazy days make me grateful for lazy ones. :)

The Graham Family! said...

Good job Shaylee! I am going to take a nap too.. but I'm horrible and totally NOT cleaning the house first!! :-) I pretty much try to take a nap when Ashlyn does.. which is the best time to clean house. But i'm exhausted today. Glad to hear things are going good.. and you're keeping busy!