Saturday, August 15, 2015


June was pretty BUSY... here's an overview.
Music Recital!
I am still so incredibly proud of all my students! It was a wonderful recital held at the Hanford Reach Interpretive Center.
(A has been taking lessons for a year now, this was her 1st recital)

(L has been taking lessons with me since he was 4)

Dance Recital- It was soooo hot!
2-day preschool
3-day Preschool

We babysat our little buddies, while their mom was with big sister at the park in 109* heat!
Joseph kept Gman busy for 2 hours! I had to check the clock twice. We love magnetix around our house.
Miss M was super sweet, and we had long meaningful conversations. 

One night I didn't sleep due to a massive toothache, I went to the dentist, who sent me to the endodontist and I got an emergency root canal. Initially,  I was totally freaked out, but the pain I was in before was so much worse than how it felt after. At Advanced Endodontics they have movie goggles so I was numb, hooked up with nitrous oxide and watching The Avengers while they were working on my tooth. 
They were behind, when I got there so they sent me over to Starbucks with a gift card. Score! Thanks Starbucks for having Gluten free Marshmallow Dream Bars! And of course I enjoyed a double chocolate chip cream frappiccuno with a shot of caramel.
My dental Assistant, he was amazing. And so was his hair. Those are x-rays of my teeth, including the one they fixed.
My dear sweet puppy kept me company while my tooth/ face was recovering.

We went Cherry Picking at the Hatch Patch!

The farmer helped put Joseph under a tree where we'd find a lot of yummy cherries.
Our loot!

Swimming!! We've really enjoyed getting to go swimming with Michelle and her kiddos.

Look, I made a friend while mowing the lawn.

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