Sunday, May 8, 2011

A mothers day poem

Co-written by Joseph, Valerie, Cassandra (adopted sister of sorts) and I. We gave our Mom bricks for mothers day, we engraved our names on them and painted them. We are as a family in the process of bricking part of the front and Mom wanted bricks. We presented her with the special bricks and cards and also this poem:

Roses are red,

violets are blue.

We bought you these bricks,

cause you asked us to.

Just to show

we’re not being funny,

to get what you need,

we’ll give you some money.

And to put them in place,

we’ll do you a favor,

without complaining,

we’ll give you free labor.

As kids we were twirps,

with our naughty little tricks.

we will try to make up

with these wonderful bricks.

Some days are easy,

 and some days are rough,

But in the end, Mom;

Like these bricks,

You are tough.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

A very nice poem. I wanted to see a picture of the very nice bricks. :)